
Sing His Glory

A Family Bhajan Sadhana – Offering 100K bhajans collectively as a gift to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on His 100th Birthday!

The National Devotional Team, would like to invite all Devotees across Canada to participate in the 100 Thousand Bhajan offering on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the Birth of the Avatar, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.

 Please click here for more details.

Bhagavatha Vahini webinar on 20-Jan-2024

SSSIO Canada invites you to join a webinar on “Bhagavatha Vahini” by brother Kota Siva Kumar on Saturday 20th Jan 2024 @ 8pm EST. Please mark your calendars and do not miss a great opportunity to enjoy the stories of love and sweetness of Krishna.

Join Zoom meeting –

Meeting ID: 889 6899 6028

Passcode: 697534