National Environmental Day 2016
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In Ontario Region 1, young adults participated in a tree planting service and a water quality testing program at Kings Park, organized by the City of Mississauga and hosted by Evergreen, a social enterprise inspiring action towards greener cities. In two hours, 25 young adults, children and parents helped remove one cubic metre of invasive species in an area of almost 500 square metres. The volunteers also sampled and tested Etobicoke Creek for water quality, which is crucial in order to protect the Etobicoke Creek Watershed from increased urbanization. The efforts helped increase the local biodiversity in the community and provided valuable wildlife habitat.
In Winnipeg, Manitoba, young adults came together to clean up the neighbourhood outside the Sathya Sai Centre of Winnipeg. Seven young adults and parents cleaned the Sathya Sai Park outside their centre, and the street block that the centre is located upon. The park was swept and litter picked up. The Environmental Day initiatives were tied to the Walk for Values Go Green
initiative, in line with Serve the Planet 2016.
In Ontario Region 2, 15 young adults participated in Canada’s Great Canadian Shoreline Cleanup on July 16, 2016 at the Rouge River, Morningside Tributary in Toronto, Ontario. SSIO Canada partnered with this federal organization in order to help and preserve our Mother Earth by taking action against shoreline litter through cleanups, and thereby protect Canada’s freshwater supply, which is the largest in the world. In two hours, volunteers cleaned 2 kilometres of shoreline space, filling several large bags with garbage.
Based on the success of this regional initiative, there are now national plans to expand the Shoreline Cleanup in 2017 to clean 150 kilometres of shoreline across the country, in line with Canada’s 150 Anniversary of Confederation. SSIO Canada has since partnered with Canada150 and its affiliates such as Faith150 in order to expand Public Outreach and further establish the SSIO as a community leader in the Canadian landscape.