Love Your Heart: Screening & Disease Prevention
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Love Your HeartHealth Day Screening and Disease Prevention event was organized. This event was a collaborative approach with the involvement of both Sai Young Adults and physicians in the planning and implementation process. The event began with a general Cardiovascular Disease (CVD) Risk Assessment conducted by University of British Columbia (UBC) Medical Students and supervising physicians. The Risk Assessment included the following: BP Measurement, Body Mass Index and Hip:Waist Ratio Measurement, as well as CVD Risk Score using the Mayo Clinic Risk Assessment Tool.
Following the screening, all attendees were requested to proceed to the main hall for the educational sessions. Three interactive educational sessions were delivered to all attendees by physicians around the topics of Diet, Exercise and Stress Management. The speakers attempted to use practical examples from Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings as well as tailor their suggestions towards the target population (primarily South Asian). Overall, approximately 100 attendees stayed the full duration of the event. Following the educational sessions, all attendees were requested to fill out a feedback form. The feedback received from the event was very positive. The majority of the attendees thoroughly enjoyed their experience and suggested more sessions in the future. Some constructive feedback involved allotting more time for each topic, and/or creating separate one hour sessions over the course of a month to dive deeper into each topic.