Pre-Canadian Sai Young Adults Festival 2017
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Heart to Heartexperiences, shared thoughts and opinions via workshops, created elevating vibrations through bhajans, and moved and laughed through fun games and activities.
The pre-festival allowed the young adults to meet and interact as well as dialog on what they feel are the most important issues to address as young adults in the Sathya Sai International Organisation of Canada. Through workshops that were held in study circle format, smaller teams discussed their concerns and opportunities they felt were important to address for the coming years and subsequently shared their vision with the larger group.
Topics that were highlighted included greater collaboration with Group 4 SSE students, more social outreach via programs addressing needs in the community, better communication among young adults as a means to empower one another, mentoring of young adults within SSIO Canada, and more programs for young adults to help with career and life balance. The topics and ideas that were generated through the pre-festival will be further explored at the Canadian Sai Young Adults Festival in August 2017 and shared among all young adults in the country.
The pre-festival highlighted how Sai Young Adults empower themselves and their peers through sharing of their experiences and motivation. With Sathya Sai Baba as our mentor and guide of divine love, many personal stories shared by the participants revealed how His impact has guided and continues to inspire young adults.
For more information about the Canadian Sai Young Adults Festival, please visit: