Terry Fox Walk – Middlefield Sai Centre

Published Date: March 12, 2018 , Event Date: September 23, 2017

On Saturday Sept 23, the adults, children and youth from Middlefield Sai Centre organized a Terry Fox Walk event at Featherstone Park. Though the walk has been going on for many years, this was the first time the Centre combined the event with the Adopt-A-Park clean up, an activity started in April. There was excitement and palpable energy in the atmosphere as we arrived at the park that day. We were blessed with unseasonably warm temperatures, which added to our joy.

After devotees completed the clean-up, they prepared for the twelfth annual Terry Fox Walk. Terry Fox is a true ambassador of the five human values and embodied the five D’s – Determination, Devotion, Discipline, Discrimination and Dedication.  He was a young athlete who was diagnosed with cancer when he was only 18 years old. He had to have his leg amputated because of the cancer. He decided to raise money to discover a cure for cancer, and started the Marathon of Hope in 1980. In this Marathon he decided to run all across Canada from East to West. Though Terry Fox succumbed to his illness before he reached his goal, his legacy lives on. A local Councillor, Mr. Logan Kanapathi was the special guest at the event. Councillor Logan Kanapathi is the first Tamil person to be elected to hold a Public office in North America. He is a long-time community activist and is a strong voice for the diverse community.  He spoke a few memorable words that inspired and encouraged all the attendees. With these words imprinted on the hearts and souls of the people, the Terry Fox Walk began to commemorate this great Canadian Hero.
