SSE ‘Go Green’ Exhibition
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The girls initiated a study circle and organized an exhibition that would showcase different eco-friendly changes that we can be implemented into our day-to-day lives. This was originally going to be a small study circle that would be held by the Group 4 girls about implementing a green lifestyle, but they turned that small study circle into a study circle with an interactive exhibition that would allow devotees of all ages to participate and leave with simple ideas on how to live a more eco-friendly life. The girls divided themselves into seven groups, each group presenting a different theme to the congregation. There was a group that talked about the do’s and don’ts of recycling, another on the importance of reducing plastic waste; while the rest of the groups concentrated on recycling water, the use of eco-friendly cleaners, and home-grown gardens. The turnout for the exhibition was remarkable, and many people were interested in all the new information they were learning from each booth.
On the day of the event, the parents and children visited the various booths that were set up in the recreation room at the Sai Centre, to learn about the topics each group had diligently researched upon. As they passed by the booths, the groups presented their topics, provided details on how the information was gathered from primary sources, methodologies employed to conduct any experiments that were undertaken and the general conclusions of their findings. Some groups had small demos that provided for simple means to share their theme. In one instance, students handed out food samples made from fruit and vegetable scraps that would usually be thrown away, others did a food comparison to show the difference between organic and processed foods, and there were other groups who gave a demo about recycling water using natural items. The Group 4 girls put a lot of effort into making sure that the exhibition would remain as a highly interactive exhibit to allow for discussions, interactions, and questions.
As soon as the exhibition ended, the SSE Group 4 students started to prepare for their upcoming study circle that was held on Sunday, April 27, 2019. The students came prepared with their facts and information to address the congregation on various approaches of going green, with videos, pictures and small interactive games. At the end of the study circle, many of the parents came by and complimented on the excellent preparation and execution by the students. Many commented on the knowledge they acquired and simple take-away methods on how they can make a difference through their own personal lives.
Whether it was from listening to the study circle or seeing the various booths during the exhibition, the group 4 girls made a tremendous impact on the congregation. They demonstrated that making a difference towards living a greener life does not require tremendous changes in our lives. Going green should be effortless for devotees as it is consistent with the teaching of our Dearest Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba.