Winter Coat Drive – Gratitude In Giving
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The idea for our BC Sai members to participate in this project all started when a group of Sai volunteers from the Coquitlam Sai Centre who went to cook and serve dinner at the Getaway (aka Living Room) in early November, was approached by a staff working there, seeking for an urgent help from our Sai communities to provide gently used or new warm clothes to help those in need during our cold, wet winter months. This staff indicated to our Sai Volunteers that they were pretty short of warm clothing particularly coats and because of this shortage, they’ve had to turn away the needy who regularly come for a meal at their location, in the face of the dipping temperatures of the winter season.
The opportunity to serve the homeless people in the BC region and warm up their hearts was at our door for our Sai members. Because the coat drive was organized for November 10th which fell exactly within the Global Akanda Bhajans week, this thought was presented to the BC joint organizing team (Vancouver and Coquitlam) and spreading the warmth to the needy people in the region was quickly born.
Coats of different sizes were collected during the 24 hour of continuous singing and after offering aarthi to Bhagwan Baba, few volunteers went to deliver car loads of heart- warming coats and clothing to the Living Room shelter, Powell street Vancouver. The donations were received with much gratitude by the staffs. Although, our Sai volunteers did not get to deliver the warm clothing to the individuals in person, we heard the reactions of the recipients were ranged from absolute shock and delight, to tears streaming and words unspoken.
What a pleasurable feeling to be part of a great Sathya Sai Organization with members who openly give to unknown people, yet knowing they are making a difference in the lives of someone who will always remember the kindness, generosity and warmth of love bestowed upon them by our BC Sai Members. The entire experience was empowering for everyone involved.
Bhagwan Shri Sathya Sai Baba said:
“Look about for chances to relieve, rescue or resuscitate. Train yourselves that you may render help quickly and well. Seva is the most paying form of austerity, the most satisfying and the most pleasurable. It springs out of Love and scatters Love in profusion. To help the helpless is the only way to please Him, to follow and reach Him.”
Ref: Divine Discourses: |Apr 10, 1967| Jun 10, 1981|Jan 29, 1994|Jun 5, 1994|Digest Vol. I p135|Digest Vol. II p292|
The BC Sai family offers our thanks and gratitude to Swami for the opportunity He gave us to lend a helping hand to our community in need.
Jai Sai Ram!!!!