Month: February 2021
SSE offering for SSSIO Ladies Day Celebration
It was August 25th when we received a request informing us of the opportunity for SSE children to be part of the Ladies day celebration 2020. The ask was to submit a storyline for a skit or drama based on the theme “Unity of Head, Heart and Hand”. The due date for submission was the first week of September. With all hands and hearts on deck, we submitted the first draft on September 4th.
95th Birthday Offering by the SSE children
As we were approaching 2020, the Education wing was eagerly thinking of ideas which could be translated as an offering to Bhagawan on His 95th birthday. Keeping in mind the SSSIO theme, “Unity is Divinity, Purity is Enlightenment” the Education Coordinators started canvassing for ideas. In the early spring of 2020, the emergence of COVID-19 changed our personal lives and we needed to be creative in our approach to support the devotees and children at our Sai Centres. We harnessed the idea of children writing prayers which were and are much needed during the challenging times we live in.