SSE Christmas Drop

Published Date: April 22, 2021 , Event Date: December 19, 2020

This year has been unprecedented, to say the least, but despite the changes, the shift to remote classes and every other challenge that came with 2020 – the Toronto York SSE students persevered through it all.

The SSE Christmas Drop was designed to continue our Centre’s tradition of the Holiday Christmas Party by bringing a special visit from Santa to celebrate the children’s stellar participation this year.

The Service team, in collaboration with the Education wing prepared and delivered 200 gift bags containing various holiday treats to each of the children’s homes. We ensured that Covid-19 protocols were followed, and all drop-offs were contactless.

–           2 Wings (Education + Seva)
–           200 children
–           11 volunteers
–           1350 kilometers driven
–           50+ man hours
–           Reward: priceless smile of our SSE children

This internal Seva kept the festive spirit alive and brought so much joy to the children!
