Envirocare Wing

Human life will find fulfillment only when ecological balance is maintained. Balance in human life and balance in Nature, both are equally important. Today even marine life is in danger due to so-called advancement in science. Advancement in science is welcome but it should not lead to ecological imbalance. The people and the world at large should be benefited from science. But today everyone is interested in selfish gains. No one seems to care for society. The food that we eat, the water that we drink, the air that we breathe, are all polluted. In fact, all the five elements, which are of utmost importance for man, are polluted.”
– Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Sathya Sai Speaks vol. 33:15
About the Envirocare Wing
The primary goal of the EnviroCare Wing is to encourage congregation members to learn about our connection to nature and learn ways we can reduce our environmental footprint. Nature provides all creatures with the raw materials for life as well and maintains balance on our planet. We thus, have a responsibility to do our part to help maintain the planet in order sustain all life.
Envirocare Wing Activities
Connect with Nature
- In modern society most of us are disconnected from the nature around us. By taking the time to engage with nature through walks and hikes, care-taking activities, and spiritual activities we can reconnect with Nature.

- Provide information to each Sai Centre’s leadership on Envirocare.
- Provide resources for SSE teachers on lessons that promote children’s appreciation and love of nature.
- Advise on how to start a ‘Green Team’ at each Sai Centre.
- Work with Sai Centres to assess and reduce the environmental footprint of physical spaces, as well as reduce waste and resource use.
- Provide ongoing learning and sharing opportunities for the Sai Green Teams across the country.

Environmental Service
- Nature clean up at a local parks and Sai Centre gardens.
- Tree plantation camps and garden workshops.
- Host or support community parks and gardens.
- Encourage household energy and waste audits.
- Suggest steps to conserve energy at home, at workplace and on the roads.
- Conduct Workshops on Envirocare subjects and share resources with Centres.
- Assist Sai Centres to make their buildings Green and avail of Hydro Incentives.
- Guide the Centres to monitor and plot their monthly Utility Bills in order to Conserve Energy.
God’s creation is very sacred. Do not pollute it. How sacred are the five elements given by God! But, today, the air we breathe, the food we eat, the water we drink, the sound we hear – everything is polluted. All these sacred elements have been made unsacred by humanity. That is why the world today is afflicted with so many diseases. That one is a ‘true human being’ who makes sacred use of the five elements. Never waste Natural Resources.
SSS 29:69, 18 July 1996
10 Things we can do to “Go Green”
- Become a vegetarian or reduce non-vegetarian intake.
- Compost food waste at home or participate in local programs.
- Encourage Reduce, Reuse and Recycle.
- Reduce purchase of disposable, or discretionary items, reduce purchase of items with excessive packaging, or that are not durable. Apply Ceiling on Desires.
- Reuse/repair/repurpose items you have to avoid more purchases. When possible rent instead of buy. Share resources in your community – for example take advantage of tool libraries.
- Recycle and reduce waste. Recycling avoids mining and transport of raw materials which will save energy,water and further ecological damage
- Take public transit, bike, walk or start car-pooling to work.
- Choose low emission / hybrid or electric vehicle.
- Avoid air travel when possible and cut transportation costs by choosing local produce.
- Plant trees or donate to tree planting organizations.
- Use and support Renewable Energy – Solar, Wind etc.
- Reduce the use of Air-Conditioning.
- Support and encourage environmentally responsible policies at your workplace and in your community.
SSIO Links
SSIO Environmental Sustainability Hub
SSIO Envirocare Projects Around the World:
Web Resources
- United
Nations information on plastic
pollutionhttps://www.unenvironment.org/interactive/beat-plastic-pollution/ Importance
of being vegetarian https://www.downtoearth.org/go-veggie/top-10-reasons - Solar Energy Resources https://www.energyhub.org/
- EV Ontario EV Discovery Centre https://www.plugndrive.ca/electric-vehicle-discovery-centre/
- Multifaith Environmental
Organization. Faith and the common good – https://www.faithcommongood.org
For information please contact the National Envirocare coordinator at

Image Credit: RadioSai.org