A Family Bhajan Sadhana - Offering 100K bhajans collectively as a gift to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba on His 100th Birthday! 

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Families Registered


Bhajans Offered


The National Devotional Team, would like to invite all Devotees across Canada to participate in the 100 Thousand Bhajan offering on the occasion of the centennial anniversary of the Birth of the Avatar, Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. 

Swami has said “Wherever My name is sung, there I install Myself”. Let us invite and install Swami’s presence into our homes and hearts and work collectively as one Sai Family, with enthusiasm and devotion towards the fulfillment of this Sadhana. Let us immerse ourselves,our homes and our surroundings with the sounds and vibrations of Bhajans.

Start date: This 100K Bhajan Sadhana will launch on November 23, 2023 and be accomplished by November 23, 2025. 

The Goal:  Sit together as a family and carry out daily or weekly Bhajans at the household level and reach one hundred thousand Bhajans by November 23, 2025. This will be offered as a gift of gratitude and love to Swami on his 100th birthday. 

3 Steps to Participate:

  • Each family will register with their family name and email for this Sadhana
  • After registering, they will receive a confirmation email with a unique registration number for their family and a calendar for monthly tracking

Set aside a time to have Bhajans at home with family members as often as possible, glorifying the name of God. Have an altar with a candle and Swami’s picture or another Deity of your choice. Avoid distractions with chores etc. Sit with focused concentration and awareness of His presence. Any devotional song, in any language can be sung as long as all people in the household can follow. Dwell on the meaning of the song. Fill your hearts with devotion and gratitude to the Lord and pray for the welfare, healing and peace of the entire world.

  • Print the calendar you received after registering to keep track of the number of Bhajans you sang with your family.
  • Use your unique registration number to submit your Bhajan count weekly or bi-weekly on the website form. We will keep track of Bhajan submissions and provide an update with the number of Bhajans you have submitted so far.

Guidelines for participating:

  • Bhajans should not be counted by the number of Devotees who sang but rather by the number of Bhajans sung.
  • The aim is for families to connect with Swami by doing Bhajans at their homes. Bhajans sung at the Centre should not be counted towards this Sadhana.
  • Families may host satsangs at their homes and invite other family members and friends to participate.

Links to Useful Resources Section:

Frequently Asked Questions Section:

Is this only for Lead Singers?
All can participate.

Why do I need to register?
Registering will help us to communicate useful information and keep track of the number of Bhajans being offered across Canada. The goal is 100K.

I don’t want to sign up with my name on the internet but would like to participate. Can I still participate and have my Bhajans counted?
One can register with any name, bhajan count submission is only to track collective efforts as a nation

I am not familiar with using the internet. How can I submit my weekly Bhajans?
The Devotional Coordinator or Bhajan Coordinator at your Centre can assist you.

I don’t have a family. I live alone. Can I still participate?
Yes, you may sing by yourself using karaoke or by playing a Bhajan audio. You may join with other families or host a satsang at your home.

I am not a lead singer, can I play a Bhajan on my phone, sing chorus and submit?

I am not a musician and need some assistance with shruti and talam. How will I participate?
Karaoke links are provided for your assistance.

Are families encouraged to get together at a common place apart from the Centre for Bhajans weekly or on a regular basis? If so, how are the bhajans counted in this case?
The Bhajans are counted by the number of Bhajans sung, not by the number of devotees who sang.

Is there a maximum and minimum limit in terms of the Bhajans that can be offered within a family or when two or three families get-together?
No limit has been set, please conduct according to the general consensus of the attendees.

Are the Bhajans supposed to be offered every day? What if I miss one of the days?
You are encouraged to have daily Bhajans with your family. Continue with the Sadhana even after missing a day.

I don’t know a lot of Bhajans and considering that this program runs for the next two years, how do I learn new Bhajans in a proper way to offer to our Bhagawan?
You may use online resources via the links provided or practice with your Bhajan Coordinator at the Centre.

When is the submission deadline?
You are encouraged to submit your Bhajans weekly or bi-weekly for tracking of our progress across Canada. All Bhajan counts should be in by Nov 22, 2025.

What if I miss a day, week or month? Would my registration be terminated?
Your registration will not be terminated. You may continue with the Sadhana even after missing some time. Your unique registration number will be valid within the 2 years. There is no need to re-register.

I have misplaced my registration number.
Use the link provided on the website to resend your registration number to your email.

Bhajan Sadhana Registration, Log & Recovery links:

You can Register for Sadhana by clicking here

You can log Bhajan count by clicking here

You can retrieve Bhajan Registration ID by clicking here