Cooking and serving lunch for homeless people

Published Date: May 5, 2019 , Event Date: May 18, 2019
Regions / Centres: Wings:

The Calgary Drop-In Centre offers shelter and meals for hundreds of homeless people all year round. Several charitable and other organizations routinely offer volunteering services including cooking and serving meals. A few devotees have been cooking and serving lunch on every third Saturday of the month in the name of Sri Sathya Sai Centre for nearly 25 years. In August 2018, this group (most of whom have become seniors now and are facing difficulties to continue with the service) have approached the Sai Centre of Calgary to take over the activity from them and continue the service. After consulting with the Congregation, the executives of the Centre decided to continue the service activity with the Drop-In Centre once every two months. The responsibility entails cooking and serving lunch for 800 – 1000 guests who are in need, homeless, and use Drop-In Centre for their basic shelter.

After a commitment was provided to the Drop-In Centre, a Google doc link was created for devotees to sign up for the service activity and between 10 -15 volunteers have been participating. The devotees expressed extreme satisfaction and a feeling of fulfilment following the service activity. A shelter like the Calgary Drop-In Centre for the underprivilege is like Prasanthi Nilayam where our Dearest Bhagawan Baba lives amongst those so much in need of love and compassion.

Drop-In Centre officials are deeply appreciative of our volunteer services and requested if they can publish the Sai Center’s logo in their publications in appreciation of the services.
