Father’s Day Celebrations @ Cooksville Sai Centre
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The special day was celebrated through a number of ways to demonstrate the importance of the Father’s role in the life of the children and family. The Sai Centre office-bearers took the initiative to call all the fathers in the Sai Centre and wished them a fathers’ day. Senior fathers were recognized at the Sai Centre where they were presented with a shawl and their contributions to the Sai Centre and most importantly their commitment to Swami’s teachings was shared with the congregation. Fathers at the Sai Centre was given the opportunity to lead the special bhajans. The day ended with aarathi performed by the fathers, Pada namaskar for them were encouraged, and SSE children expressed their gratitude through short speeches. The event demonstrated the Sai Centre’s commitment to Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba’s teachings of “Pithru Devo bhava ”.