The Sathya Sai Centre of Cooksville celebrated Navaratri to commemorate Mother Sai. Sathya Sai Baba has said that all festivals have been designed to teach how to lead a godly life in the midst of worldly activities. First, centre members devoted their energy during this year’s Navaratri to meditate, cleanse themselves of all unclean thoughts and experience their own divinity. In this way, as Sathya Sai Baba has explained, they were able to realize their own worth. Bhajan and prayer sessions to Mother Sai were held for eight days in the Sai centre, leaving the last two days for at-home celebrations. Second, the members reminded themselves that their worship of the Divine Mother is the worship of Truth as worshipping Truth is equivalent to worshipping
Devi. Finally, the sacred spirit of the nine days was celebrated and commemorated by working together to offer different kinds of delicious food to the Divine Mother and by coming together in unison to offer and sing bhajans dedicated to Her Glory.
Fortunately, as the festival of nine nights started on Thursday this year, the Sathya Sai Centre of Cooksville could hold two special bhajan sessions on two nights since their regular bhajan sessions are being held on Thursdays. Most centre members along with their families including young adults and SSE students of all ages participated on both these Thursdays. The Ladies Wing of the centre coordinated bhajan sessions dedicated to Divine Mother on the rest of the nights during Navaratri where interested members with families attended the sessions with utmost devotion.
The spirit of satsang helped all to examine their own selves, work towards an individual and collective transformation as God’s children and enthusiastically adopt the robust spirit of an inward sadhana.