World Interfaith Harmony Week Celebration: The Promise of inclusion
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The afternoon was set to motion by the expertise of a young “master of ceremonies” (MC) with a warm welcome to the assembled guests. The celebration began with a warm welcome offered by the MC, Sumi Voora who emphasized the fact that this event was a result of the collaborative efforts of the Sathya Sai International Organization (SSIO), the St. Philips Lutheran Church and the Metropolitan United Church. The MC referred to the program as a precursor to the Parliament of World Religions to be held in Toronto in November 2018. Following these remarks was the rhythmic rendition of our National Anthem “O Canada”. It was next followed by an address by the President of SSIO Canada, Mrs. Preeti Mathur.
Perhaps it will not be an exaggeration to say that Swami’s discourse “Drops of Light” that underscores the unity of all religions despite the different names we may call God, set the tone of the impassioned talks given by Pastor Tulah, Mr. Chander Khanna and Ms. Cynthia White. The common discernible thread in their talks were about the ways in which our common humanity helps us to forge our common values and how important it is to stand together to defeat all negative forces. Cynthia White who represented the indigenous spiritual voice, emphasized the need to work in unity to bring healing and love.
There were five interfaith, celebratory musical events presented in the afternoon of February 3rd. The first event was a scintillating, uplifting prayer of all faiths by the youth of SSIO that brought all guests under the inspiring- interfaith umbrella.
The second event was presented by No Fixed Address, a group affiliated to the St. Philips Lutheran Church. The group presented four compositions. The group at the outset explained why their first composition was entitled “Jerusalem”. They felt the need to address the futility of the 3 Abrahamic faiths fighting over Jerusalem. Their next composition was an original song about how our Lord is always there to catch us when we fall, their third composition was an old spiritual that used to be sung by the African Americans in the fields of cotton. The fourth spiritual composition was sung in Spanish.
The third event was a sweet Sufi rendition of 3 ghazals. Just like the first and second event, this third event also underscored the unity, the human journey and the need for love and unity among people of all faiths.
The celebration of the afternoon hit a crescendo of beauty and harmony with the fourth event that was presented by the members of the Bahá’í faith. The event celebrated the joy of being devotees and the truth that those who seek God can never want for anything at any time.
The fifth event was a befitting conclusion to the events of the afternoon. It was presented by Vinoj, a youth member of the SSIO. Vinoj deftly presented the Spoken Word Collaborative. The presentation was in the form of a moving volatile letter written by Faith to humanity. Faith took on the form of a human being who was writing a letter to all of us, humanity. This beautiful personification of Faith uplifted the spirits of the audience . The words “I am love, I am loved, together we are strong” concluded the celebrations of the afternoon. Suffice to say, the cold weather outside was forgotten as the guests and the host and this scribe sat swathed in the unity sparked by the love of faith, the warmth of our love of humanity and of our solace in God.
In her closing remarks, Mrs. Kala Subramanium, the Public Meetings Co-ordinator for SSIO Canada, did not forget to invite the guests to join the SSIO’s Walk for Values in the month of May and reminded all guests that “We are One while we are different”. After the closing remarks, guests were requested to partake of the refreshments and the opportunity to mingle and learn about each other.
The celebrations were followed by short interviews of Mr. Chander Khanna, Imam Habeeb Ali, Mr. John Voorpostel, Ms. Cynthia White and Mr. Sudhakar Voora. They spoke about the significance of the Interfaith Harmony Week and how it was necessary to reconcile differences and stand shoulder to shoulder to combat all negative energies in society. Mr. Chander Khanna referred briefly to the history of the Parliament of the World’s Religions and how Swami Vivekananda represented India and Hinduism in the first Parliament in 1893.
The activity was attended by devotees of the Sathya Sai Organisation, members of the different faith groups (The St.Philips Lutheran Church, The Bahá’ís and the Sufis ) as also the varied office bearers of the SSIO. The energy of the participants was defined by positive hope and enthusiasm for the future. In addition, the event was underscored by anticipatory enthusiasm and excitement for the Parliament of World Religions to be held in Toronto the month of November, later this year.
The presence of ATN, the TV channel, was an opportunity which the organizers of the event utilised. As a result of the short interviews, the audience of ATN in the future would be able to understand the significance of this Interfaith Harmony Week celebrations.
Just as all, including the non-members of the SSIO who attended the event were able to learn the far-reaching significance of the event, and how important it is for all Canadians and the world to respect the significance of a culturally diverse and religiously pluralistic Toronto being chosen as the host of the Parliament of the World’s Religions in the month of November 2018 .