Easwaramma Day Celebration
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Following the scintillating bhajans, inspiring opening remarks were made by the Education Wing to highlight the glory of Mother Easwaramma. Opening remarks were followed by presentations by three SSE students on the significance of the day. More than 35 SSE students showed their gratitude by composing a prayer to Swami in the form of artwork, poems or songs. These pieces of artwork so lovingly created were offered to Mother Easwaramma and at the lotus feet of Swami on May 6th. The presentation of a prayer by two SSE students was the highlight of the celebrations. A Group 4 student gave a small presentation on Mother Easwaramma and the Mother’s three wishes to our Beloved Swami. She illustrated the importance of these wishes and how those projects continue to impact the world today. After the presentation was completed by SSE students, the Devotional coordinator thanked the students for their wonderful presentations and introduced the guest speaker for the event.
Sister Prita Sethuram was chosen as a guest speaker from within the Sai Centre to give a talk on “A Role of Today’s Mother”. Sister Prita is an English professor and currently teaches English literature and language in a Community College. Having had the experience of being both a mother and a grandmother, she was able to explain how the concept of motherhood has evolved in these modern times. She gave an outstanding talk on her own experience of motherhood, on the challenges today’s mothers face, and a few exemplary extracts from Mother Easwaramma’s life. It was interesting to have someone from our own Sai Centre share such wonderful experiences!
With Swami’s grace and love, the Sai family (Gurus, children, and parents) came together and leveraged a virtual platform to continue to teach, learn, and share Swami’s teachings. The children expressed feelings of love, humility, confidence, clarity through their words, thought and action. Everyone enjoyed the program thoroughly. The Sai Centre came together in mind and spirit to celebrate the values that are encapsulated in Mother Easwaramma Day.
The celebration was concluded with closing prayers and a vote of thanks was given by the Devotional Wing.
The prayer written and shared verbally by Rham, from Group 3. –
Dear Swami,
Help me stay safe and healthy when I chant your name
Please protect my family and guide us through these hard times
Aid my neighbor’s and help them overcome their daily challenges
As for the ones in need, give them a place to stay safe
Dear Swami,
Help us stay calm in this time of distress
Provide the sweetest fruits to those who starve
Give the purest drinking water to those who have no access
Allow those who cannot breathe, to breath your divine air
Dear Swami,
For the heroes of today, bring them your powerful light
Give them the motivation to continue doing what is right
Allow the bright minds of your students to continue to grow
And give them the ability to learn proficiently with your eyes in their sight
Dear Swami,
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to be here and show our appreciation
Thank you for allowing us to come together as a community and share these vibrations
Thank you Swami for always guiding us towards you
Aum Shanti Shanti Shanti.
The prayer written and shared verbally by Ashmiga, from Group 3
My Humble Pranams at the lotus feet of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba. We are very blessed for all the great things in the world that you have created. You have given us the spirit of love, harmony, and a sound mind. However, we need you to guide us through the coronavirus pandemic. Our body is the temple of your spirit, so we pray for protection from this virus.
Please let those who have passed due to this virus rest in peace and bring reassurance to those who have lost loved ones. Take away the fear, anxiety, and feelings of isolation from people receiving treatment. Please guard their families and friends from the stresses that could take away their emotional strength. Kindly protect and comfort everyone, especially the elderly, in this time of uncertainty. Please safeguard us with your wisdom and protection my dear lord.
Swami, first responders and medical staff are being put in danger of receiving this virus. They risk their lives for us. Kindly bless them with your protection as they work with victims and enlarge their supply of protective gear needed to stay safe while working. Inspire and strengthen the research scientists and doctors to develop a cure for the infected and create a vaccine to prevent further spread.
Encourage people to decide to stay home. Most of us are doing our part in keeping clean and trying our best to stay safe, but we need your strength to get through this pandemic. You are the all-mighty one, the one that will bring us to light. With you Swami, we are all safe. Our lives and our health are in your hands my lord, and our trust and faith are in you.
Aum Sri Sai Ram