Education Wing
The end of education is character. Education without character is useless. ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Prasanthi Nilayam, November 20, 2001
Guide the children in the spiritual path, through simple and moral living; install in the young minds, the importance of duty, devotion and discipline; help them understand the five human values, so that they can practice these in their daily lives; guide them to Love all and Serve all. In short help them grow into worthy citizens to serve the world; identifying the divinity present in all. Education must aim at providing the child not livelihood, but, a life worth living. The promotion of human values must become an integral part of the educational process. ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
About the Education Wing
Established by Sri Sathya Sai Baba as ‘Bal Vikas’ in 1969 in India, Sai Spiritual Education program has grown exponentially around the world with every Sai Baba Center (estimated to be over 2000) conducting SSE programs for students aged 4 to 17. ‘Bal Vikas’ means blossoming of a child from a tiny bud to a fragrant and beautiful flower. A name change to ‘Sai Spiritual Education’ [SSE] was done during the Sixth World Conference of Sri Sathya Sai organizations held in 1995, to emphasize the universality of the program.
The SSE program aims to raise today’s children into citizens and leaders of tomorrow founded in values, through the concept of ‘Educare’. Sri Sathya Sai Baba has fostered a unique approach to education called Educare, drawing out divine qualities of truth, right-conduct, peace, love and non-violence which are latent within the individual. Educare aligns the heart, head, and hands. True education must in Sai Baba’s words, “broaden the heart and expand one’s love.” True education is “that which fosters the sense of oneness, draws out one’s inherent divine qualities and promotes the blossoming of human personality.”
Educare – Guiding Principles of the term Educare, as used by Sri Sathya Sai Baba:
- Divinity is love, and it is the undercurrent of all human values.
- Educare elicits the inherent human values and translates them into action in daily life.
- The purpose of education is for living a fully human and spiritual life.
- The end of education is character, and character manifests itself as the unity of thought, word, and deed
Education Wing Activities
The Education Wing offers Sai Spiritual Education (SSE) classes on a weekly basis to children between the ages of 4 to 17 in the Sai Centres within the regions of the Canada. Trained teachers undertake classes using a syllabus that has been developed to incorporate the core teachings of Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba whilst maintaining the need to reflect the culture of the country it is being implemented in. Children are taught in appropriate groups constituting the Pre-SSE group ages (4-6),
Group 1 ages(6-8), Group 2 ages (9-11), Group 3 ages(12-14) and Group 4 (15-17). These age groups are further split into year groups to facilitate effective teaching and learning.
In a SSE class, the teacher has to use a judicious combination of the five teaching techniques as prescribed by Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba to draw out the inherent goodness and divine qualities that are within the child. They are namely –
- Prayers
- Story Telling
- Group Devotional Singing
- Group Activities
- Silent Sitting
The Aims of Sai Spiritual Education are:
“Aim of Educare is to teach the child awareness of the Self” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba
- To teach children to love God.
- To foster character development and spiritual transformation.
- To inculcate self-discipline and teach students ways to control the mind.
- To stimulate in children a desire to be of service to all humanity, treating all beings as God’s family.
- To instill the practice of ceiling on desires, and reverence for nature and environment.
- To train them to discriminate between right and wrong, between truth and non-truth; and to follow their conscience (Divinity within).
- To help children become aware of the Unity that underlies all Faiths and that all religions are pathways to the One God.
- To guide all children to have purity and harmony in Thought, Word and Deed.
- To develop children of character with self-confidence and self-reliance.
- To revere nature and environment as God’s creation.
“What the head thinks must be examined by the heart and then put into action by the hands. Education must broaden the vision to include the entire world and all mankind” ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba.
“Godhead expresses itself initially as the five elements: the ether, the air, the fire, the water and the earth. All creation is but a combination of two or more of these in varying proportions. The characteristic nature of these five elements are: hearing, touch, sight, taste and smell; recognized by the ear, the skin, the eye, the tongue and the nose. Now, since these are saturated with the divine, one has to use them reverentially and with humility and gratefulness, to promote the welfare of yourself and others; use them with moderation and with the idea of loving service to the community, to all”. ~ Sri Sathya Sai Baba, Oct 15, 1966
Admission Criteria for SSE Program
Success of the SSE Program depends on Triple Partnership between Parents, Students and the Gurus (teachers). Parents must commit to regular attendance of their children, participation in SSE programs and center events; and to practice the 9 Points Code of Conduct

. Parents are also required to register for Dynamic Value Parenting classes, subject to space availability. Education Coordinator and SSE Guru may request an interview prior to admittance of the child into the program.
SSE Program engages the five teaching techniques propagated by Sri Sathya Sai Baba. Deep spiritual concepts and their applicability to daily life at the level of the child are taught in an engaging way through 1) Silent Sitting / Meditation, 2) Prayer / Quotations, 3) Story Telling, 4) Group Singing, 5) Group Activity.
SSE Program Age Groups:
Group 1: Ages 6, 7, 8 (Age of Doing and Making)
Group 2: Ages 9, 10, 11 (Age of Making and Planning)
Group 3: Ages 12, 13, 14 (Age of Planning and Achieving)
Group 4: Ages 15, 16, 17 (Age of Blossoming into Sai Youth)
Click Here to see Objectives by Age Group

Other Activities and Events
- Orientation for Parents
- Parent Conferences
- Easwaramma Day Celebration
- Parents Day Program
- Field Trips to different places of worship
- Celebration of festivals
- Home Visits
- National Walk for Values Day
- SSE Graduation ceremony
- Summer Program
- Newcomers evening
Click to download the following Information/Forms
Waiver Form – Photos and Video
SSSIO Education Team Lesson Plans
Virtual Tips and Tools for SSE Classes
For information please contact the National Educational coordinator at: